
How Does Godaddy Register Domain Names

GoDaddy Stole My Domain!Does this sound like a familiar situation for you?


  1. Went to GoDaddy (or proper noun some other popular domain proper noun registrar),
  2. Searched for a domain name,
  3. Saw that it was available for registration,
  4. Decided to take a few days to retrieve nearly it,
  5. Decided you wanted to register the domain name and
  6. Went dorsum to GoDaddy only to find that it was already registered.

Then, of course, you think: GoDaddy stole my domain name!

How could information technology not exist GoDaddy?

GoDaddy saw that you did the domain name availability search, the domain name is obviously brilliant, so they registered it and who knows what they plan to do with it.

Just did GoDaddy actually steal your domain name?

I received the post-obit electronic mail from a reader recently:

Hi Michael,

I searched at GoDaddy a domain name and it was available, but I didn't register it. A few days later I decided to build a website using that domain and found that GoDaddy registered it 2 days after my search and parked information technology in a phony spider web site maxim "buy this domain".


It'due south center breaking only a adept lesson learned.

Why isn't this illegal for GoDaddy to offering a domain search and and then purchase the ones people don't annals, like you write at

Shouldn't they have a warning, "if you don't register the domain we may register and sell the domain name you lot type into our search"? It'south nearly like they're stealing my intellectual rights.

Plainly I'm new to all this but this is actually questionable business practices.

Thanks for this article,

So, did GoDaddy really steal this domain name?

The answer is no. Let me tell you why.

You can determine who owns a domain name past doing a "whois lookup", which is basically a phone book for domain names. (There are hundreds of sites that let whois lookups, these are just two.)

If you visit or and type in the domain proper name, you lot can run across who owns a domain name.

For instance, if you wait up "" here is what yous see:


While difficult to read considering it's all one large block of text, you lot can run across:

  • The registrant is Michael Cyger (me)
  • The electronic mail accost and phone number are listed
  • Even though GoDaddy is listed as the registrar, they are not the registrant

More than 80,000 .com domain names are registered on a daily basis. Those are make-new, manus registrations at registrars like GoDaddy around the world. In one day.

In the "SLDs Added to / Dropped from Zone" graph, yous can view the .com domain names registered (green) and allowed to expire (reddish) for the past few days.

Is it possible that another person thought of the aforementioned, peachy domain name to register every bit you?

You bet it is.

Especially if the domain name is a generic or really cool brandable sounding domain name.

The lesson learned (well, 2 lessons):

one. GoDaddy is in the business of registering domain names, not front-running domain names that you're searching for, and

two. There are more than 7 billion people in the world and the likelihood that someone else thinks of the domain proper noun you want increases with time. Don't wait, register the domain proper noun when you recollect of it. The worst case scenario is that you don't renew it a year later and permit it expire…and you're out $10-15 for the one yr registration. (You lot can fifty-fifty register a domain name for $1.)

How Does Godaddy Register Domain Names,


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